
Attendance at the WCIT Hall or online participation costs £50 to cover costs of administration, video conferencing and outputs / proceedings.

As a an educational charity, we are operating this event on a not for profit basis.  Where multiple authors / speakers are involved – we can offer one free ticket to the forum, and participation in the respective panel, but invite co-authors to register, pay, and participate with other members of the audience.  (We might be able to be more generous if we get additional sponsorship)

Those at the Hall will get a light lunch, refreshments and drinks at the end of the day.

Places can be booked here

Lead speakers and panellists attend free of charge – ask us to provide a link to the free ticket booking form and register asap to reserve your place

We have reserved a limited number of places for students in full time education to attend at no charge and we will allocate those tickets preferentially to students working on the history of IT and the internet. Please send us a 200 word outline to support your case

Please note that this event will be broadcast via zoom to online attendees and recorded for publication of video proceedings.  It is a condition of booking that you agree any contribution you make online can be recorded and published.  Copyright in recording and proceedings will vest in Archives of IT
