
Interview with Bridget Blow CBE

“I suppose I’ve got quite a bit of pride about some of the first footing  I’ve done; I was the first female president of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce after about two hundred and something years, so I get some pleasure from that.  I was also the first female chairman of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra which has been going for about  100 years as well, so I think that I have been honoured in a number of ways and I think that’s all about starting as a programmer and ploughing  on really.”

“I feel it’s part of my duty is to promote to younger women that it’s possible to do these senior roles and that they shouldn’t allow anything to get in the way; they should have the confidence to go for it.”

An experienced independent Non-Executive Director and Chairman with special skills in technology, turnover and profit growth, corporate deals, human resources, change management, strategy, business transformation and governance, Bridget Blow CBE today gave some of her time to talk to Elisabetta Mori about her life.


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