AIT’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch Data Handling Lesson


Accompanying Excel sheet


Archives IT has collaborated with the RSPB’s education team to create a brand new PowerPoint lesson resource (above) to help your pupils to organise and present their Big Schools Birdwatch data.  The lesson includes options to present Big Schools Birdwatch results using an online bar chart function, as well instructions on creating a line graph to compare results with previous years’ national data. Find out more.


Send your results

The Big Schools’ Birdwatch helps schools learn more about the species that are attracted to their grounds and helps them monitor year on year data. Schools can get an indication of the biodiversity of their grounds based on the birds that visit. In last year’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch, the Woodpigeon was the most frequently reported species across UK schools.

Submissions are open until the 24 February. Make your results count! Please ensure you have submitted your results to the RSPB on their Big Schools’ Birdwatch webpage. When you have submitted your results you will be able to download your certificates and an additional historical data resource that will help with the line graph element of this lesson.