Interview with Alastair Macdonald CB

“I was crucially involved in the privatisation of British Telecom in 1984, a major step for the city of London because that privatisation was easily the biggest flotation that city has ever seen. And the privatisation was an essential contributor to all the liberalisation of telecommunications in this country an example which was later followed by many countries all around the world.”

Alastair Macdonald CB spent 32 years as a civil servant working on advice to ministers and executing policy for the IT industry. He was the civil servant in charge of the IT82 awareness campaign initiated by Lord Ken Baker. Macdonald was in charge of the privatisation of BT, a world first which started the liberalisation of the telecommunications industry. He was in charge of the Y2K efforts to avoid a catastrophe with the change of date at the start of this century. He took part in the decisions to widen the offering of mobile phone networks in the UK from two to four vendors.  Today he spent time with Richard Sharpe talking about his life and career.