Interview with John Yard CBE

John says he is proudest of three things:

“One, was finding ways to make outsourcing work on the basis that you still need to manage, and manage hard, the supply that you’re outsourced your IT to.

Two, demonstrating against the odds, and what everybody thought, that you could change your supplier provided that you made enough effort to find ways in which it could be done.

And thirdly, driving the electronic filing system, which was introduced in the early 2000s and was probably the first of its type in Public Sector Government.”

John Yard CBE played a pivotal role in the management and outsourcing of IT systems at the Inland Revenue.  First EDS got the outsourcing contract and then, for the first time in the market, he managed the transfer of the contract to CapGemini. Today he spent time with Richard Sharpe talking about his life, career and how he helped the Revenue become a pioneer in the implementation of large scale IT systems