Interview with Pete Lomas

“I think the real turning point in my life was a guy called Graham Beech who actually gave me the time and the access to my first computer then set me on a course that eventually caused me to design Raspberry Pi. I think the thing that really inspired me was when we could turn kids away from being consumers into being creators; how inspirational they are in what they think about what they want to create in an environment where they don’t think anything is impossible.”

“I find it quite amazing that a little project that we’d had at Cambridge University to build roughly 3,000 units then exploded onto the scene of makers and the community and now we’re touching on 30 million units.”

Pete Lomas and a colleague designed the Raspberry Pi educational computer to help turn young people from consumers into creators.  The original plan in 2008 called for 3,000 units: there are now close to 30 million of these small and inexpensive used to educate young people into how to design digital systems of all types.  Pete went further and turned Raspberry Pi into a charity with other industrialists and academics.   Raspberry Pi came out of a long career in electronic engineering which included teaching and research at Manchester University and commercial work developing digital systems for clients.  Today Pete took some time away from his hectic schedule to talk to Richard Sharpe about his life and career so far.