Interview with Professor Nick Jennings

Professor Nick Jennings is an internationally recognised authority in the areas of artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, cybersecurity and agent-based computing.

He is the Vice-Provost for Research and Enterprise and Professor of Artificial Intelligence at Imperial College London. He was the UK’s first Regius Professor of Computer Science (a post bestowed by the monarch to recognise exceptionally high quality research) at the University of Southampton and the UK Government’s first Chief Scientific Advisor for National Security. 

  • 1988 – begins PhD in artificial intelligence at Queen Mary and works part-time as a research assistant on ARCHON, one of the first big projects in the area of multi-agent systems
  • 1997 – becomes a full professor at the age of just 31
  • 1999 – moves to the Department of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton and a group called Intelligence, Agents and Multimedia which specialising in AI, the Web and multimedia, headed by Dame Wendy Hall
  • 1999 onwards – leads the Autonomous Learning Agents for Decentralised Data and Information systems (ALADDIN) project, which was a multimillion pound project funded by BAE Systems
  • 2010 to 2015 – Nick becomes the first Chief Scientific Adviser for National Security for the UK Government

Interview conducted by Dr Elisabetta Mori on 12 March 2020 at Imperial College London.