Interview with Sir Rod Aldridge

Sir Rod Aldridge OBE is a leading social and business entrepreneur who worked in local government on the south coast of England before studying in the evenings to earn his professional qualification as an accountant. 

He then joined the professional body of accountants in the public sector and worked on developing guidelines for the implementation of IT systems in local authorities. 

From this sprang the idea of offering IT outsourcing services to the public sector. Aldridge spun the operation out of the professional body and led the development of what became Capita from one employee to 74,000.

  • 1963 – leaves school and works as post boy in the treasurer’s office at East Sussex Council
  • 1974 – joins the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
  • 1987 – founded the Capita Group, a business process outsourcing and professional services
  • 2006 – establishes the Aldridge Foundation, an educational charity helping young people reach their potential
  • 2012 – receives a knighthood for his services to young people

Interviewed by Richard Sharpe on 9 January 2019 at the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists’ Hall.