For each lesson you will find an outline and outcomes, teacher notes and a presentation. Some lessons will have additional resources such as quizzes and word searches.
AIT has entered into an agreement to make our classroom resources available through the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Our charitable aim is to make our free lesson plans available to the widest possible audience and the IET helps us to do that at no cost through their much larger network and alongside their other excellent STEM-related activities and resources. Simply click the title of the lesson plan to find more information and a link to the full resource.
Designing Digital Christmas Cards
Yr 2 Gaming Algorithms (Coding A)
Suggested Learning Outcomes
To use algorithms to code a program ?
To recognise what an algorithm is?
To recognise what coding is
Pop Up Game Tinker Sheet
Yr 2 Loops and Repeats (Coding B) Suggested Learning Objectives
Yr 2 Making Music (Using Media) Suggested Learning Objectives
To understand how music makes us feel?
To learn how technology has impacted music?
To use technology to create our own music
Exploring music sheet
Yr 2 Presenting Data (Data and Information) Suggested Learning Objectives
To record data using a computer?
To record and present data with a tally chart?
To record and present data using pictograms
Yr 1 Beebot Adventures (Coding A) Suggested Learning Objectives
To use algorithms to code a program
To recognise what an algorithm is
To recognise what coding is
BLANK 4×4 Beebot Material
Farm Beebot Material
Town Beebot Material
Yr1 Grouping Data (Data and Information) Suggested Learning Objectives
To label pictures with appropriate descriptors
To group and categorise data based on common labels
To understand the concept of searching and why data needs labels
Sorting Sheets
Yr 1 Sequencing and Debugging (Coding B) Yr 1 Typing Tales (Using Media) Suggested Learning Objectives
To recognise and understand the purpose of keys on a keyboard
To recognise, understand and use the buttons on the toolbar
To write on a word processor
Keyboard Sheet
Yr 1 Technology in Our School (Networks and IT) Suggested Learning Objectives
To recognise what technology is To recognise the basic uses of technology To recognise how to use technology safely
Yr 2 Technology in Our World (Networks and IT) Suggested Learning Objectives
To recognise what IT is and its impact on our lives To recognise the uses and benefits of IT To recognise the components of a network, how information can be passed between devices and the benefits of this
Technology in Our World Home Learning Sheet
IT Uses – picture sort sheet
Yr 1 Art in IT (Creating Media) This lesson focuses on digital art with an artist study on Piet Mondrian. By the end of the lesson will be able to:
To recognise how we use technology to help us create art. To use technology to create artwork. To learn about famous digital artists. Curriculum subjects covered include computing, art, history and careers.
Click Here to see the full resource.
Yr 2 Digital Photography (Creating Media) This lesson focuses on digital photography with an artist study on Sean Charmatz and Stephen Mcmennamy. By the end of the lesson will be able to:
To recognise basic digital graphics terminology. To recognise how we use technology to help us create art. To apply skills and identify tools to create artwork. To identify and recognise famous digital artists/ photographers. Curriculum subjects covered include computing, art, history and careers.
Click Here to see the full resource .