Here are some of the Professional Bodies and Learned Societies that relate to the industry. If you know of one that we have missed, please get in touch via and let us know.
BCS The Chartered Institute for IT is the professional body for the Information Technology Industry, with headquarters in the UK it has members in over 60 countries. BCS award the prestigious Chartered IT Professional and Registered IT Technician statuses as well as the Lovelace Medal
About the WCIT
The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists is the 100th livery company of the City of London, combining centuries-old tradition with a modern focus, energy and innovation.
Like all livery companies, they look to give something back to the industry and community, and focus on four pillars of activity:
Charity – they raise money and provide IT skills to improve lives through a range of charitable vehicles;
Education – they built Hammersmith Academy (with the Mercers) and support other schools;
Industry and Commerce – they help to promote and shape the IT industry and run several schemes (including with the Royal Signals) to smooth the path of men and women into the industry; and
Fellowship – where, simply, they have a full programme of social activity. They are the only one of the “new” livery companies to have its own hall, and in 2017 celebrated their silver jubilee, 25 years after their grant of livery.
Memories of the WCIT
A selection of memories from past Masters can be seen below:
The Company’s Livery Hall holds art work donated by members of the Livery recording those who have held senior roles within the Company. Click on the art work for more details of who is depicted in the work and the artist.
The Institution of Engineering and Technology is the leading professional body for engineers working in the electronics, electrical and digital manufacturing industries. TheIET awards the prestigious Chartered Engineer status and the Mountbatten Medal
The IT Service Management Forum is the occupational special interest group for IT Service Management practitioners. The ITSMF was founded in the UK and now has chapters around the globe
The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is the professional body for the Computing and IT industry in the United States of America. It awards the annual Turing Prize. It is the world’s largest learned society for computing
The Royal Academy of Engineering is the UK’s national academy for engineering, it awards the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering
The Computer Education Management Association is the occupational special interest group for leaders of IT education and skills businesses in the UK
The Royal Society is the pre-eminent learned society for the study of science, and the oldest such learned society in the world.
The SFIA Foundation, is a not for profit body, jointly funded by BCS and TheIET, that owns and develops the Skills Framework for the Information Age, known as SFIA (‘Sah-Fee-Ah’). The framework provides a knowledge and skills model for IT practitioners at 7 levels of increasing competence and across the full spectrum of IT specialisms such as Business Analysis and Software Development.