
Innovation Manager, Whitbread plc and Internet Marketing Entrepreneur, Viberse

Tasha first talked to us in 2020, shortly before Covid struck and working life changed for so many people.  In March 2022 Tasha updated us and described how two years in her working role and the pandemic changed her life and career, including accelerating aspects of her professional development: “When Covid hit I wasn’t furloughed when many of my peers were but I’m so glad that I wasn’t. I needed to work to get through it and career wise it was actually beneficial to me to some extent as I also got to work very closely with senior leaders to help solve problems reacting to the pandemic like Track and Trace. My personal life also changed very quickly, because we were living with my parents and my mum was shielding which meant it was difficult for us to go to work, my now fiancé and I decided to move into a flat during the first lockdown. It was stressful but also accelerated many areas of my life.”

Watch the video of Tasha in conversation with Tom Abram, where she talks about the role of Behaviour Analytics, trends in home / office working, her experience of rapid advancement and the diversity of education and skills that enable a career in Tech.


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