We are creating resources that can be used with the whole school – for example in assembly.
For each lesson you will find an outline and outcomes, teacher notes and a presentation; some lessons will have additional resources.
Simply click the title of the lesson plan to reveal the resources. NB: To preview the material with links and animations, use in “full screen” and “slideshow” mode. You will also be able to download the lesson once it is “full screen”
What career in Assistive Technology would suit you best? Take the quiz and find out.
Need a refresh on coding? Teaching coding for the first time? This lesson is a comprehensive yet clear step-by-step guide on each element of coding within Scratch. Each section comes with a clear guide and additional activities for students to put their learning into practice.
Just in time for Easter we have created two coding activities- one is a hopping bunnies coding challenge, which focuses on using the control blocks. The other is a chicken and egg game coding challenge, which focuses on using variables and ‘when’ coding blocks.