Colin KnightColin Knight learned the value of failsafe technology early in his career, developing algorithms for… 23 March 2021
Norman Sanders Book Release3 March 2021 Norman Sanders has published a book in association with Archives of IT… 3 March 2021
Professor Michael MainelliProfessor Michael Mainelli’s life story is a fascinating journey from 1958 Seattle to Alderman and… 25 January 2021
Dame Muffy CalderWe were delighted to hear that one of our interviewees, Muffy Calder OBE has been… 14 October 2020
Y2K – Ensuring the Computerised Millennium Just over 20 years ago there were genuine fears that the increasing dependence on… 16 July 2020
Paul Fullagar RIPIt is with great sadness that we learn of the death of Paul Fullagar a… 14 April 2020
Resources get thumbs up from studentsBy Elizabeth Sparrow, Archives of IT Trustee In the last quarter of 2019, as we… 19 March 2020
The Worshipful Company of Information TechnologistsAbout the WCIT The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists is the 100th livery company of… 28 February 2020
CPD Bursaries from TeachComputingCPD bursaries for primary and secondary schools are available from the TeachComputing Hub for Berkshire… 21 February 2020
Archives of IT introduces free resources for schools By Elizabeth Sparrow, Archives of IT Trustee. We are very pleased to announce that we… 28 January 2020