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Aldridge, Sir Rod
Anderson, Ross
Arrowsmith, Christine
Ayim, Andy
Bacon, Liz
Baker, Lord Kenneth
Baker, Stephen
Barker, David
Barnes, Ken
Barron, Iann
Barry-Walsh, Paul
Basta, Victor
Benjamin, Larry
Bennett, Dr Louise
Birtles, Nicholas (Nic)
Black, Dr Sue
Blackwell, Dennis
Blow, Bridget
Bond, Bruce
Bond, Sarah
Bonfield, Sir Peter
Brady, Sir Michael
Brassington, Jeremy
Breslin, Dr Catherine
Brown, Sir David
Bundy, Professor Alan
Bunn, Gareth
Burgess, Dr Keith
Burkitt-Gray Alan
Burton, Sir Edmund
Butler, David
Calder, Dame Muffy
Candy, Professor Edwin
Carrington, John
Carsberg, Sir Bryan
Castell, Dr Stephen
Catlow, Martyn
Cellan-Jones, Rory
Cheong Angus
Chessell, Mandy – Interview I
Chessell, Mandy -Interview II
Chisholm, Sir John
Christopherson, Robin
Christou, Richard
Clarke, Beverly
Clarke, David
Cleary, Sian
Cleaver, Sir Anthony
Cleevely, David
Climer, Naomi
Cockton, Gilbert
Collins, Professor Brian
Connell, Jo
Cook, Pamela
Coutts, Sean
Coutu, Sherry
Cox, Sir George
Coyte, Ellie
Crawford, Sir Frederick
Creese, Jos
Crick, Professor Tom
Cuff, Susan
Cunningham, Peter
Curry, Christopher
Daley, Sue
Dasgupta Ashish
de Roja, Jacqueline
Diamond, Professor Sir Ian
Dix, Professor Alan
Dobson, Professor Peter
Dohler, Mischa
Doyle, Michael
Duce, David
Duffield, Kirstin
Dunn, Edwina
Dutton, Professor Bill
Eadie, Ninian
Earl, Professor Michael
Edmonds, Professor Ernest
Ellis, Bill
Enzer, Mark
Ewen, Charles
Excell, Paul
Finnan, Sean
Flavell, Sheila
Fullager, Paul
Fulton, Alistair
Furber, Dr Steve
Garnett, Dr Steve
George, Professor Danielle
George, Rebecca
Gershon, Sir Peter
Gibson, Simon
Gilbert, Professor Nigel
Graham, Roger
Gray, Professor Sir Iain
Goodchild, Lisa
Halbert, Bill
Hall, Dame Wendy
Handby, John
Harding, Dr Rebecca
Hargreaves, Susie
Harsant, Ray
Harvey, Bob
Hauser, Dr Hermann
Henderson, Geoff
Herbert, Dr Andrew
Hermon, Peter
Higgins, John
Hilsum, Cyril
Hodson, Anthony
Holford, Mark
Holway, Richard
Hooper, Richard
Hopgood, Bob
Hopkins, Richard
Hopper, Andrew (Andy)
Hughes, Philip
Hughes, Charles
Hurst, Chris
Ilube, Tom
Imafidon, Anne-Marie
Jackson, Duane
Jackson, Michael
Jeffery, Richard
Jenkins, Sir Brian
Jennings, Professor Nick
Johnson, Dr Roger
Johnson, Tim
Johnston, Iain
Jones, Bill
Jones, Professor Cliff
Jones, Frank
Katragadda, Gopi
Khoury-Haq, Shirine
Kirstein, Peter
Knight, Colin
Knight, Sir Peter
Kowalski, Robert (Bob)
Land, Professor Frank
Lane-Fox, Baroness Martha
Leighfield, John
Little, Chris
Little, Richard
Lomas, Pete
Lynch, Mike
Macaulay Linda
MacDonald, Alastair
Mainelli, Professor Michael
Mann, David
Marshall, Roger
Mason, Paul
Maxwell, Liam
McBride, Brian
McGarvie, Campbell
McLaughlin, Jim
McMullen, Geoff
Miles, Dave
Mills, Bryan
Moffatt, Ann
Morgan, Peter
Morris, Ernest
Morriss, David
Murray, Dianne
Murria, Vin
Newell, Alan
Nilles, Jack
Noll, A. Michael
Norton, Jim
Nowill, Dr Robert (Bob)
O’Connell, John
Ogden, Sir Peter
Olisa, Sir Kenneth
Page, Ewan
Pascoe, Eva
Pearce, John
Penn, Malcolm
Perkins, Lisa
Perks, Maurice
Peyton-Jones, Simon
Phillipps, Andy
Pitcher, Sir Desmond
Pollard, Alan
Potter, Dr David
Poulter, John
Powis, Lisa
Randell, Professor Brian
Rangaswami, JP
Read, Dr Martin
Rigby, Sir Peter
Rogoyski, Dr Andrew
Ross, Catherine
Ross, Charles
Rudge, Sir Alan
Sanders, Norman
Saxby, Sir Robin
Scott, Judith
Segars, Simon
Shadbolt, Sir Nigel
Shepherd, Dr Alan
Shingles, Geoff
Shirley, Dame Stephanie
Sillem, Dr Hayaatun
Sinclair, Sir Clive
Short, Dr Mike
Southward, David
Sparrow, Elizabeth
Squire, Geoff
Steele, John
Storey, Tony
Stott, Andrew
Sudbury, Hayley
Sutcliffe, Julia
Swade, Dr Doron
Sweeting, Professor Sir Martin
Sykes, Dr Richard
Taylor, Ian
Taylor, Dr Michael
Tebbutt, David
Temple, Stephen
Thimbleby, Professor Harold
Thomas, Sir Bill
Thomas, Martyn
Thorpe, David
Thorpe, Lory
Tobin, Michael
Tozer, Jane
Tucker, John
Turner, Gary
Twist, Jo
Unwin, Geoff
Upton, Dr Eben
Vallance, Lord Iain
Van de Weg, Michael
Virgo, Philip
Walker, Dr Timothy
Wallace, John
Waller, Peter
Walmisley, Peta
Warwick, Professor Kevin
Watmore, Ian
Webb, Professor William
Webster, Dr Juliet
Weeden, Ron
Winter, Chris
Wilks, Professor Yorick
Wirszycz, Rob
Wood, Ben
Yard, John
Young, Sir Julian